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Posted on 2018-08-08 22:31:20 by AceofWind

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Posted on 2018-08-08 22:31:32 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
This is a quick edit to the Korra card by Noob9511 which itself is a edit of another card by Hans-Linda, both of which are linked below. This card aims to make Korra's face less man like, proportion a bit more feminine but more muscular, breasts and nipples a bit larger, and outfit a bit closer to that of how it appeared in the first season of the show. As usual, it's best used with wideslider.

Also note, I have her body set to be muscular but for some reason the default body type doesn't seem to work in my game so I don't know if it will appear for anyone else. In case it doesn't, I'll link to an alternate which requires the sideloder mod: [melomelo]MLS_semi_msc_1 which should be in the sideloader pack.

Alternate Card:

Posted on 2018-10-05 08:11:35 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Reported)
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